1. Skeletons with bombs in their chests, coated with tar: they run and stick themselves to foes, then explode.
2. Skeletons with angled, armor-covered bones to deflect crushing attacks (normal damage instead of bonus) and render them immune to piercing.
3. Skeletons with sharpened teeth, with poison applied to them.These skeletons also wield extremely long pikes (10’-12’) to gain a distance advantage in melee. When an opponent closes, they switch to biting.
4. Skeletons whose bones remain hovering in place even when they’re shattered; only holy water or turning will make them collapse. Skeletons with broken bones (i.e. who would have normally been killed) continue to attack, but at disadvantage.
5. Skeletons made of cookies/crackers/bread: immune to normal cleric turning and holy water, but become soft and mushy in regular water. Broken remains might provide rations. These rations might have magical properties…
6. Skeletons made in a strange avant-garde way: head between legs, seven arms, walking backward, etc. Bizarre body plan makes their movements harder to predict, even against people with “undead” as a favored enemy. Might have arms welded to arms to increase reach, or sharpened bones for stabbing.
7. Carpet of spines: massive mega-skeleton made from woven-together human and animal spines that curl up and stab victims; can also entrap and entangle anyone standing on it.
8. Hollow-boned skeletons who have magic potions instead of marrow. (Oil of slipperiness? Shrinking potion?)
9. Beautiful, intricately carved scrimshaw skeletons that might be worth a lot of money if they don’t get damaged...
10. Skeletons tirelessly operating exercise wheel(s) to power a giant robot, siege engine, or other destructive mobile contraption.
1. Zombies filled with magnets or wet sand, whose bodies cause weapons to get stuck in them.
2. Zombies who shriek constantly (or have shriekers planted on them), even after being killed. (Prevents bardic abilities until they’re completely jellied.)
3. Zombie children--or, if that’s too disturbing, zombie clowns. Anything that makes someone emotionally unwilling to kill them. (Or, in the case of clowns, more eager.)
4. Zombie beholder (can’t actually use its eyebeams, but it’s got a huge mouth, lots of h.p., and it’s pretty frightening)
5. Boneless zombies that can squeeze through disturbingly small spaces. (Fear check)
6. A wall covered in zombies, all affixed by strong wire. This wall must be climbed.
7. Zombies that glow from within--and, when struck, spray glowing blood that sticks to its attackers as well. Disadvantage to hiding in shadows.
8. A long train of zombies chained together. One grabs a party member (or lassos them with a rope or chain), and the others start jumping/falling off a nearby cliff…
9. Zombies and/or zombie parts raining down on a party, either via catapult or through a sluice in the ceiling.
10. A small and narrow (but essential) passageway completely choked with zombies who have gotten themselves stuck. They must be bypassed or gotten through, but who knows how far back this thicket of zombies goes?